Friday 24 May 2013

Birthdays, byes, busyness and ... OREO’s!

Hola amigos!

Can’t believe I am going on a month already, time is flying by so quickly (mind you I still have three months to go). This weekend I said goodbye to one of the volunteers, Bella she had been here since September. She is the first of the many volunteers here to be leaving and the others will all be leaving by June 1st. It is so sad to have to say goodbye to people I have only known for such a short time.

Now with Bella gone we are down to Lauren, Emily (who is only there 3 days a week) and I to teach at the school. Needless to say I am so busy this week! Not only are we down teachers we are have only two weeks left of school and the final push is on for exam prep and final projects. This week I am teaching everything; math, grammar, reading, P.E., science, drama, art and music!

I also have been working with the older kids in the afternoon painting a mural. Two weeks ago I was shown the camp ground for the first time, and well frankly, it looked nothing like a camp. It looks like a tiny field (probably less than an acre) with trees and rocks and garbage all over the place. I suggested that we paint a mural on the back wall to add a little (much needed) colour. So every Wednesday in the afternoons me and a group on kids head down to the field and work on this wall. I forgot to take before pictures and the other pictures failed to load, but you can imagine something very simple. The idea is that during the camp we will get the kids to put hand prints on the wall to fill in the trees. I think it will look really good when it’s done!
In the next week at school we have exams, a talent show, a beach day and a prom (it’s going to be so cute). It is going to be so fun and busy!

We had another birthday yesterday, I am starting to think that people celebrate their half birthday’s and whole birthdays around here we have had so many, but they are always fun. We went to my now favorite bar called Manny’s. It’s this funky little bar that is open at the front and looks out over the Malecon which is a beautiful cliff that meets the ocean.

Also I have done a lot more exploring this week and have found some cool stuff all around. Nearly died of exhaustion climbing a mountain the other day, but it was beautiful walking down!

Also you are probably a little curious about the title. Well do to my lack luster food situation I have resorted to Oreo’s. You can buy little packs with 4 Oreo’s or you can buy a big bag of little packs. I have no particular love of Oreo’s back at home, but they seem to satisfy my cravings here, and I have eaten so many of them!

Anyways I am hopefully looking forward to a visitor from the homeland soon, woohoo!

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