Wednesday 15 May 2013

La Drama

I feel a case of writers block lurking around so hopefully this post turns out well. I have added lots of pictures to compensate.

The last few months the kids at the school have been practicing and rehearsing a drama (Anthony is British, so naturally everything seems a bit more dramatic in proper English) but really it’s just a play. Anthony wrote and directed this play/musical about the history of Cabrera with a Romeo & Juliet storyline. It is believed that Cabrera is where Christopher Columbus originally landed when trying to sail around the world (along with every other town along the coast). The kids have worked so hard and we got rained out on the originally planned date but the postponed show was spectacular. I have included many pictures because my role in the play other than as a guard who assumes Christopher Columbus to be visiting the King and Queen to fix the broken toilet (ba-dum-ching) was to take pictures! A few hundred pictures later...

I have grown quite accustomed to the quiet little lives the locals live here. I go to school in the day and sit in my rocking chair on the porch after my 4:30 dinner and I go to bed early. On the weekends I like to sleep in (not very Dominican of me) but I love to stay out of the sun and I tend to linger in the shade and not go out in the sun until after 2:00 PM (which is very Dominican).

One thing that the locals do that I will never be accustomed to is staring. I know I am a Gringo (foreigner) but seriously if looks could kill... I hate the staring and they also hiss and whistle and honk at me. It’s like they have never seen a white person before. I am whiter than white here but dark by comparison to myself at home. Two weeks and a bottle of sun screen later I have a pretty good tan and hopefully in another two weeks I won’t be so noticeably white.

This Saturday Bella is leaving which is really sad because a lot of people I have met will be leaving between now and June. However at the end of June a whole new houseful will be coming to stay with me for the summer camp. I still don’t have many ideas for my Superstar Status at camp, I need your ideas!!

Also I feel like I could be doing more work and I think I am going to try pairing up with another organization down here on the weekends or weeknights. The people that I am working with are really flexible and supportive and there are a lot of great organizations down here I just need to decide where I want to channel my energies. I will hopefully find something soon and then I will let you all know what I find.  


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